I recently got tested positive for Covid -19. It wasn’t that serious but I want to share my experience and I want to compare it with what’s happening in metro cities (for example Mumbai) and how government over there is dealing with it. In Mumbai there was no proper facilities provided to Covid patients, no proper medicines were being provided, no proper sanitizations, etc. but on the other hand when I was tested positive for Covid as it was not serious so I was isolated at home in Sirsa, Haryana. But the doctors from government hospital came to my house tested everyone else in my house and in locality in which I am living. I was being provided proper medicines on regular basis, I used to get phone calls from government hospital everyday asking if I am doing okay, everyday a team of doctors used to visit my place and did my regular checkup, I was provided with proper kits, masks, hand gloves, sanitizers and every other necessities .

So my point over here is if we call Mumbai is a METRO city and they have better hospitals, health facilities, better technologies why are Covid patients not being treated up to the mark. I understand that the population over there is much more than that of Sirsa but the numbers of hospitals are also much more in Mumbai than that of Sirsa (Haryana). Also in starting of lockdown when people in Mumbai was booking their groceries 2 days prior, people in small cities were so relaxed without any worries of groceries and other stuff.

Location: Sirsa, Team of doctors visited to test my family members for covid 

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