A few weeks since the lockdown halted the world, forcing us to get confined in our homes and waive physical and social interaction, it didn’t seem like we would be freed anytime soon. Another common issues that we faced was people witnessing mad rush of buyers waiting in queue to buy basic utilities. “out of stock” was the most common sign seen everywhere from online stores to the general stores in the area, that’s when we came up with the idea of growing our own vegetables on a small scale. For the first few months, apart from binging Netflix, I tried out different hobbies, but the most relaxing one was gardening. We experimented in growing essentials like tomatoes, spinach, ginger, basil. Even the Ganpati idol that we installed this year was of sand and clay and such that it could be immersed in water and we can grow plants from the soil. Even I noticed that there’s an emotional connection to your food when you grow vegetables yourself. When you take something out of the seed packet or put the seedling in the dirt, then you have to tend to it, you have to shade it sometimes, chase away the birds. It’s a lot of work, but is rewarding in the end. You are more appreciative of mother nature and value its resources.